This simple question has no easy answer. Birds are beautiful to look at. Birds are around us, not far from home; we can watch them from our windows, even from our bird as the sunlight lightens up the dark sky in the morning. Many of the birds sing, their unique and sweet voice livening up our daily lives. We may not hear them because we are most often immersed in electronic noises around us; but they are there, on the branch outside the window, high in the peepul tree in the street, around the well, near the electric pole, they are everywhere, singing, hopping about, sitting still or flirting with flowers and fruits. They add beauty and music to our dull and loud urban landscape, where most of us live today. Birds tell us about ourselves and our surroundings. Fewer birds and bird songs mean polluted, concrete surroundings, less trees and flowers; a higher number of birds indicate trees, bushes, flowers and fruits, a cleaner environment, clean water sources and generally garbage-...